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Keraben Grupo satisfied with de posititve reception of its product at Cersaie 2022

05 oct 2022
Many visitors came to the Keraben Grupo stand during Cersaie 2022 to view its new ceramic collections. Under the creative concept “A Reflection Of You”, the company has unveiled its proposals under the umbrella of its three brands, Keraben, Metropol and Ibero.

Collections that have been received with unbridled enthusiasm by Keraben Grupo’s customers, who have positively appraised the staging and the quality and design of the product.

An ode to life, nature and beauty focused on the new needs of homes, of people’s lives and based on a very clear work philosophy:If we can imagine it, we can do it”. A unique experience in which visitors have been able to tour the different ceramic proposals, in a space created to mirror emotions.

Beyond being a run-of-the-mill stand, the Keraben Grupo’s aim has been for visiting professionals to find inspiration for their upcoming projects.

Keraben is the reflection of the most sophisticated side we all carry inside: desire and elegance in their purest form, achieved through design; Metropol is the alter ego of everyone who rejects being ruled by trends - those of us who want to set our own, through a rebellious, unique and bold attitude; and Ibero representing our drive to explore our creativity and break through the established limits.



The Keraben brand has exhibited three very special novelties; Idyllic, Universe and Bleuemix, ready to become the muse of designers, architects, artists and people. Marble, metal and stone make up a proposal in which elegance, beauty and extreme quality make it a unique focus of attention.


Metropol’s unique, timeless and perpetual personality and style are reflected in its Charisma, Arduin, Chrome, Leira and Woodfeel collections, in which avant-garde, dynamism, charisma and style are conveyed in its ceramic proposals.


In the case of Ibero, the brand introduces sensitivity, authenticity and creativity. An adventure for the customer; a challenge, a new discovery of pieces that stimulate all five senses and lend a sensorial nature to homes. The Mystic, Matisse and Boulevard collections, marbles and cements that lead the way to new textures and designs without fear of experimenting with them.